REST Service Integration

In case you can’t use the Java library directly (most likely because your system doesn’t run on the JVM), you can use the REST-service wrapper for smartSuggest. It’s delivered as a docker image and can run in your environment. (SaaS is also an option, please contact us for more details).


Start the service

The service is provided as docker image on docker hub with the name commerceexperts/searchhub-smartsuggest-service:1.4.1

The container has to be started with your API key set at the environment variable SH_API_KEY.

It exposes port 8081 that can be mapped to any port.

# use the API key you'll receive from us
docker run -d --name=smartsuggest-service -e SH_API_KEY=<YourS3cr3tAPIkey> -P commerceexperts/searchhub-smartsuggest-service:1.4.1

Use the service

The service offers two possible endpoints. Both requests are mostly identical and just differ at the version part of the request path. The first endpoint (v1) will return a sophisticated blockwise response and the second (v2) will return a simple list of strings. We recommend using v3 because it already cares about picking the optimal set of queries and exposes extra meta-data.

Keep in mind, that smartSuggest starts fetching the necessary data, after the first request for a tenant was received. So the first few seconds all requests will return an empty result. A few seconds later you should get mapped queries (if data is available). It’s possible to lower that startup latency by specifying the tenants using the preloadTenants parameter (SH_INIT_TENANTS), which is described below.

V1 Request




    "name": "best matches",
    "suggestions": [
      "suggestion 1",
      "suggestion 2",

A block with the name “best matches” is the best case scenario. There are also 3 other kind of blocks, named “typo matches”, “fuzzy matches with 1 edit” and “fuzzy matches with 2 edits”. In case nothing is found, an empty array is returned. It is also possible (depending on settings and user input) that several blocks are delivered. In such a case it’s up to the implementor to decide which queries to use for the autosuggestion. If there is no need for some special logic, we recommend to use API v2/v3.

V2 Request



The response is a JSON array with simple strings that can be used as autocompletion result.

  "suggestion 1",
  "suggestion 2",

V3 Request



The response is a JSON array consisting of a complex object that contains an additional payload for every autosuggestion query. The payload might contain the following keys:


Corresponds to the name of the v1 response.


Currently, the only supported value is keyword. However, smartSuggest can index different data types, e.g. products or categories.


The redirect URL, configured for the query over the searchHub-UI. Optional omitted if no redirect exists.

    "payload": {
      "meta.matchGroupName": "best matches",
      "type": "keyword"
    "suggestion": "suggestion1"
    "payload": {
      "meta.matchGroupName": "best matches",
      "type": "keyword",
      "redirect": "",
    "suggestion": "suggestion2"

All kinds of requests support a “limit” parameter. By default, the limit is set to 10. This parameter will limit the amount of returned suggestions.


Each setting can also be set as system property or environment variable (alternative environment variable names in brackets), however the ones in the file are preferred.

To inject those properties as system-properties, use the JAVA_OPTS environment variable and specify each property prefixed with -D, for example

-e JAVA_OPTS="-Dsearchhub.apikey='your-api-key' -Dsuggest.service.max-idle-minutes=90"

To inject a properties file into the container, bind it into the container at path /app/config/

-v "$(pwd)/":/app/config/
System port to start the service inside the container.
Defaults to 8080
System address to listen to inside the container.
Defaults to
If a suggest index is not requested for that time, it will be unloaded. A new request to that index will return an empty list, but restart the loading of that index.
Defaults to 30
Defines in seconds, how often the suggest library checks for new data for every loaded index.
Defaults to 60
Comma-separated list of indexes (=searchHub tenants) that should be initialized at the start of the service.
boolean value, ‘true’ per default. Can be set to ‘false’ so that the indexation of the received data will be done sequentially.
This means it will take longer until the service is ready for usage and will spare computational power that might be used for others.
Required API Key to load suggestions from searchHub


The API Key is required to start the service. You will get the searchHub API Key from your contact person. It is recommended to inject the API Key via Environment variable:


For legacy support (to use the same naming as SmartQuery) the environment variable ‘SQ_API_KEY’ works as well.

Preload Tenants

Specify tenants that should be loaded immediately after initialization. Can be set via environment variable as a comma-separated list:


For legacy support or to get a better and more explicit naming, this variable can also be named ‘SUGGEST_INIT_TENANTS’ or ‘SQ_INIT_TENANTS’. All those names work in the same way.

Idle Unload

The service might unload a index when it is not used for a certain time (30 minutes by default). When a new request comes in for that tenant, the suggest index will be recreated again with a little warmup time. That idle timeout can be changed by setting the time in minutes either using the environment variable SUGGESTER_MAX_IDLE_MINUTES=90 or the startup parameter JAVA_OPTS="-Dsuggest.max-idle-minutes=90".

A value of ‘0’ or smaller will disable the unloading mechanic completely and never free up used space by created suggest indexes.


Health/Up Endpoints

For a quick readiness or health check, the endpoints /up and /health can be used.

The /health endpoint exposes all loaded tenants. For each tenant a status is returned, which is either “Ready”, “NotReady” or “Noop”. The status “Noop” is used for all indexes that could not be populated with any data.

Please note, that using the ‘SH_INIT_TENANTS’ setting to load tenants on start up, will make those endpoints wait until the named tenants are fully available.


There are several metrics that are exposed in the prometheus format through the /prometheus endpoint of the service. This endpoint exposes a “status_up 1.0” metrics plus the metrics described in the monitoring section at the direct integration docs (in the prometheus format, which practically means underscores instead of dots).

To enable JVM Metrics the following environment variables have to be set to true:

enables metrics of memory consumption and garbage collector
enables metrics around the JVM threads


  • If you forgot to specify the API key, the container will stop with the log message “IllegalArgumentException: no searchHub API key provided! Either specify ENV var ‘SH_API_KEY’ or system property ‘searchhub.apikey’”

  • In case you tried to access an unpermitted tenant/channel (maybe because you specified the wrong API key), you will see such a message in the logs of the service: Unauthorized while fetching data for tenant ‘’: [401 Unauthorized]

  • To get more information about the internal processes, enable debug log. Do that with the docker startup parameter -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dlog.searchhub.level=DEBUG" or for more debug messages additionally -Dlog.root.level=DEBUG.